Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Day 23 (March 4). Travel day to Johannesburg

Yesterday at the zoo we saw a sign that said 9,550 km to Mexico; 8,680 km to Johannesburg; and 6,315 km to Nairobi. I am far from home!

Chrissy and I spent the day doing laundry, packing, running to the train station to buy my ticket to Geneva for April 7, and finally joining Oma Inge for lunch. I am certainly going to miss my dear travel companions, but now it is time to start with the African adventure!


Aurora&Peter said...

Uns hat der Alltag wieder. Beide sind wir nun am arbeiten. Haben, ebenso wie der indiengereiste Herr Prof.,unsere Wäsche gewaschen und schon verräumt. Wünschen Dir auf Deiner Weltreise u.a. viel Zeit,dies Tagebuch umfangreich bearbeiten zu können, denn es wird wohl für uns zu einer täglich besonderen Lektüre werden. Liebe Grüße aus Frankfurt-Nied und besos von Aurora

Dr. Gruber said...

Hello Professore Polyglotte,
my Name is Dr. Gruber and we almost happened to meet last week in the Oberoi in Mumbai. Hoever, I am in Johannesburg at the moment ans I am looking for cheep Safari trip to Botswana within the next weeks. May you have an idea that is as good as the one you had in Aurangabad. If so, please leave a message at the reception.
So long and best regards,
Dr. Gruber

Hubba said...

Dr. Ferriz thank you for posting tales of your travels! It sounds like you are having an amazing time!

Gardain said...

Sounds like you are having a blast overseas. Hope you don't get bitten by too many bugs while in Africa, cause its be bad if you got some wierd monkey diease. Back here "intro to paleo" ie histerical ie historical is going alright. Everyone here is doing alright, except Dr. Rogers, who has been ill for the past couple of weeks. Steve would like you to know that the geologist got screwed at the student research competition, and he is about to declare war on the office of student research.
Hope the rest of your trip goes as well if not better than the earilier parts.