Sunday, August 28, 2022

Day 53. Mexico 2022. I morph into an American tourist

I have three days left before I take the flight back home, so I figure it is time to stop fighting and simply morph into an American tourist. For starters, I headed for San José del Cabo, this time to concentrate in the old town to undo my former impression that all was big hotels. Well, there is a downtown and it is quite charming. Clearly it has been gentrified and is everywhere adorned by colorful paper flags (like the ones in Coco). There is a mission there, one of the first ones established by the Jesuits, but it was reconstructed from its original and dilapidated adobe to a stark brick building with little charm.

After I got back to Cabo San Lucas I took a nap and by 3 pm was ready to embark in the “Luxury Sailing Tour”. I was happy to see that it was indeed a sailing boat, but the sails looked tightly furled, as if they had not flown for a while. True to form we started on the motor and crossed the bay for nearly one hour until we got to a small beach, where we stopped to snorkel for a half hour or so. Cool fishes. Then we were called back and had a good lunch, but I had not come to eat, so I was getting anxious and point blank I asked the Cap if we were going to go sailing. He was non-committal and answered that it all depended on the wind out in the bay. And then it happened! The wind was blowing freshly, so the sailor liberated the jib, I helped the Cap raise the main sail, and we were off, leaning at 45 degrees at the same time that AC/DC blasted Highway to Hell from the ship’s speakers. I loved it 😊

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