Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Bahamas 2021 - Day 5. Relax, relax; there is nothing else to do

I am working at becoming more relaxed. Given that there is not much to do around here, I just have to sleep a little longer, take my time drinking coffee, and enjoying a leisurely drive to my chosen destination.

I did go to the Conch Sound Blue Hole, and enjoyed myself hovering over the deep water of the sinkhole. With the deeper water also comes an increased number of fishes, which adds color and variety to the dive. Unfortunately I did not spot any turtles, moray eels, or sharks. I did discover a sunken ship! But it was of too recent a vintage to hold any promise for sunken treasure. When I got out of the water the wind had picked up, so it was easy to stay on the beach drying out.

After my snorkeling I followed the east coast farther south, and in my new relaxed state of mind took the time to get a couple long walks along the beach. Oddly, there are very few birds around, which reinforces The Twilight Zone feeling that has been hounding me for the last couple of days.

On the way back I stopped again at Uncle Charlie’s Blue Hole, and took advantage of a long track cut among the Bahamian pines to go for a walk. I see these tracks from time to time, and believe they were cut by a D-10 dozer cutting straight ahead for no reason whatsoever (they look like recreational grading if you ask me).

I pushed south past my budding resort all the way to the airport, and there I turned east toward Mastic Point, again on the east side of the island. I liked this small community, which looked reasonably prosperous, attractive, and well cared for. As far as I could tell this is a real Bahamian community, although I am not sure what they do for a living. The narrow sand track along the shore was very pleasant, although again devoid of people, birds, or dogs.

Tomorrow I am going to brave another of those dozer tracks, to see if I can get deeper into the west side of the island. In the meantime, back in my bungalow, I am going to tackle yet another crossword puzzle (in the last moment I packed a booklet with several crossword puzzles, which turned out to be a mental sanity-saver for me!).


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