Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Bahamas 2021 - Day 7. On my way back

I woke up early in the morning, and by quarter to 7 am I was at the airport, looking for my friend James. Not only did I have to return his car, but since he works at the airport he had made the arrangements to get me a seat in the little Piper Aztec that was to convey me back to West Providence. It was a beautiful short flight, which in less than half hour covered the same ground that my tramp steamer covered in 5 hours. Note to self: Next time go to the General Aviation portion of the airport, and get a seat on a light plane. They seem to be going back and forth for most of the day.

Once at the airport I took a walk to the international terminal, much to the distress of the luggage porter, who warned me it was very far away (15 minutes walking!). I cut across the parking lot and, oh miracle of miracles, I spotted a food truck! Two ladies were there, with several giant pots, offering breakfast to the airport employees. This was my last day in The Bahamas, so I had spent my money almost down to the last dollar. I looked eagerly in my wallet, and was able to muster $4. I asked them what would $4 buy me, and one of them rattled a long list of stuff that ended in “grits and sausage”. Grits and sausage it was (for only $3.50), and it was absolutely delicious. The grits were made with yellow corn and they were incredibly creamy (perhaps they had massive amounts of butter?), and the sausage was really a very thick slice of ham. I breakfasted like a king.

The rest of the trip back was uneventful, from Nassau to Dallas, and an hour later from Dallas to San Francisco. Once in San Francisco airport I had to take the airport tram to the BART station. As I stepped up into the station the tram was departing, so I had to wait a good ten minutes before the next one came. Because of this small delay, as I was getting to the BART station I missed the train that was leaving at 7:30 pm. Rats! OK, the next one should come soon. “Soon” was half an hour later, so it was now 8 pm, and Faby was planning on picking me up at the Pleasanton station at 9 pm. The poor thing had to wait until 9:40 pm in the lonely parking lot, but eventually we reunited, and by 11:30 pm I was home and ready to crash in bed. And I have class tomorrow Tuesday at 8 am!

Al things told I had a good time in The Bahamas, and look forward to my summer travels.

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