Thursday, July 4, 2024

France 2024 – Days18 and 19 – Back to the same ol’ routine

Sadness of the heart. My dear Giulia started on her way back to Italy, but not before we made plans to meet again in the Italian Alps next summer. I look forward to that trip.

Not having my travel companion I spent the day moping and working on my book. I did good progress, so I was pretty happy and to celebrate I decided to go shopping! Shopping for food has become an obsession with me, even if it is to only buy a thing or two. I like meandering through the aisles planning this or that fabulous dinner. When I came back home I found my neighbors, an English couple that is renting the studio to the side of me for four days, flabbergasted at the ancient door of the property because their key was not working. Feeling superior I advanced with my key at the ready and … nothing! The lock would just not turn. What to do? The neighbor offered to call the agency that manages the house, and I texted my landlady, but after waiting 15 minutes and nothing happening I got to work on the lock, juggling my key this way and that until—like magic—the lock turned! So we all got in, wondering if we should keep the door open. At that point my landlady called back, I explained what had happened, and she told me she was on her way.

My landlady’s name is Françoise. She much regretted the inconvenience, and she was going to call the agency, and how was I doing, and had I had the chance to see much of Bergerac, and had I been in Parc Pombonne? I had not? Well, I had to go next Thursday at déjeuner, and go have moule frites on Thursday at the restaurant La Guinguette right by the lake, and how she was going to be there with her family to celebrate her son’s birthday, but I should make a reservation because the place is packed on Thursdays. … Pant, pant, pant … Oh, and sorry for not calling me back right away, but she had been at the doggy school, where she was taking her young dog for obedience and athletic training.

Oh, you have a dog? Yes, she said, a Border Collie. Quelle surprise! Moi, je un Border Collie aussi! Wonderful how dog lovers find each other, isn’t it. So, of course I had to show her a photo of Cooper, and she had to take me outside to her car to meet Ulysse, who is smaller than Cooper (but only 9 months old) and is tan and white instead of black and white. Ulysse is absolutely adorable, and I have no idea why he is going to obedience school because he is a super nice, smiley little dog.  I am going to see about borrowing him for morning walks.

The following day, Wednesday, I woke up with a single idea in my mind: Go to La Guinguette de Pombonne and make a reservation for tomorrow Thursday. I tried to get some worked done first, and by 10 am jumped on my bike and after just 8 minutes reached Pombonne. Turns out this is a nature preserved established only 20 years ago at the place of an old farm, with wonderful walks and a young but very healthy forest. And it is almost in my back yard! I dutifully made my reservation, and then went for a lovely walk before stopping by the supermarket to buy bacon and a calf’s foot (they had none so instead I bought some agar) because today I am going to try my hand at preparing a terrine de lapin.

First you place the bacon at the bottom of the pot, then add sliced carrots, onions, and whatever other vegetable you have at hand (I had leek rounds), the spices of the day, garlic, pepper, salt, and the rabbit pieces. Add white wine to cover it all and let it cook for one hour. You then pull out the rabbit and bacon and shred it with your fingers to get a coarse hash (to which I added a generous amount of capers). You also separate the veggies, and let the broth reduce for a bit longer, before filtering it through a piece of cloth (Françoise will never know what happened to her nice napkin) and adding some lime juice.

Place the slices of carrot in the bottom, and then alternate layers of the rabbit hash with layers of veggies, until it is nicely packed in a long mold (which I also had to buy at the supermarché). Separately dissolved the agar in cold water, reheat the cleared broth, and add the agar water to it. Stir for a couple of minutes and add to the mold with the hash. Presto! Now it has to go to the fridge overnight, and tomorrow I will have terrine de lapin for my dinner 😊

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