Thursday, August 9, 2018

Latin America 2018 - Day 36. Yarumal to Cartagena

The early bird does get the worm! I knew I had a hard driving day ahead of me, so I started at 6:30 am. The road was empty, but I figured the trucks would start appearing any time now. A few kilometers down the road, however, I found a police barrier that was holding back the big trucks, while me and my little car were given the go ahead. It was magnificent. The drop in elevation was very substantial, and I was in one of the windiest roads ever, but I was able to make down the 150 kilometers to the lowlands in about 2 hours, because for once I did not have to deal with truck traffic. Yeah!

Once in the lowlands I made good time to the city of Montería, which has a very nice river walk along the Rio Sinú with kids playgrounds, flowers, exercise areas, boat rides, and a goodly number of iguanas and monkeys.

From Montería to Cartagena I followed the estuary of the Rios Sinú, San Jorge, and Magdalena, going over terrain that reminded me very much of the Sacramento-San Joaquin estuary. It was lovely, but again slow going because of the narrow levee roads and the large number of pesky motorcycles. I shouldn’t say this, since I enjoy motorcycling myself, but here motorcycles like to ride side by side with the cars, which eventually adds 30 to 50% to the width of your car, and you have to take that extra width when you are passing other vehicles.

Finally, at dusk, I made it to the city of Cartagena, a city loaded with history and colonial monuments. I managed to work my way to the Centro Historico fairly well (although at one point I had to run a short stretch against traffic to keep from being deflected), but once in the old town I got hopelessly lost. The old downtown is very much like being in the French Quartier in New Orleans, with millions of tourists crawling through the narrow streets to enjoy a vibrant nightlife and dozens and dozens of restaurants. Unfortunately many of the roads were closed, and others were the privilege of the horse-drawn carriages, so car traffic is impossible. Eventually I got close enough to my hotel, parked, and reached my destination on foot. The hotel does have parking, so after getting settled I went to fetch my little car and am now comfortably ensconced in my new abode.  

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