Sunday, May 11, 2008

Day 91. May 10 – Feliz Día de las Madres!

May 10 is always Mother’s Day in Mexico, so I take this opportunity to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas :)

I was a reasonably good son and called my Mom. It was very good to hear her voice, and that of my Dad, and I look forward to seeing them in a few months.

I spent most of the day working in the computer, but in the afternoon Auréle, his cousin Arto, and I went in La Coccinelle to the local version of Home Depot to get some gardening supplies. Afterward we stopped at the supermarket, and then at Arto’s home, before heading home to join the barbecue that Julie and Thierry had organized with some of their friends. It was, as seems to be always the case at Route de Ferney, a fun and boisterous affair. I met many new friends, and got to practice my French quite a bit (but with the Swiss I am not forced too hard, because everyone speaks three or four languages, so when I get stuck the conversation easily shifts into Spanish, English, or German).

I bailed out at 1 am, when the poker game was just being organized, but I have no doubt this was another of those occasions when the diehards saw the luminosity of dawn.

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