Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Australia 2019 – Day 24 – Reef Encounter at sea

I have come so far that I feel obliged to take a second tour of the reef. This time I have chosen a bigger boat, Reef Encounter, which is really a floating hotel. To get to it I boarded the Reef Explorer in Cairns, which departed at 8:30 am, and by 10 am heaved to parallel to the Reef Encounter so we guests could walk from one to the other. There are probably 20 of us, but already at the ship were a school group of 40 teenagers, plus another 20 assorted passengers, so for a moment there we were in complete chaos. But these folks know what they are doing, and pretty soon I was changing into my swim suit at my shared cabin. My cabin mate Sid and I have a window as well!

Our first two swims were at Hastings Coral Gardens, which is a tiny reef as seen from deck (a bommie, in Aussie). Once you are in the water the reef seems enormous and with an infinite variety of nooks and crevices. Added to the many wonders I have already seen, the sunlight reflected from the sandy bottom and the colorful corals to create a brilliant background for the fish, who proudly paraded their incredible colors for us visitors. Unfortunately I was having problems with both my mask and my snorkel, which kept being flooded with seawater. I tried to tough it out, but after 45 minutes of swallowing salt water I turned back. Lunch was very good, but I could have used a second portion.

The second swim, still at the same mooring, was a repetition of the first. I managed to keep the mask from flooding, but the snorkel kept giving me grief, even though I had switched to the other side of my face.

We then moved to the Saxon Pyramids reef, where sharks and octopi had been recently sighted. Once again I gave it a try, and once again ended drinking too much seawater. I am bummed. Perhaps it was a mistake to try to reproduce the success of my days with Coral Sea Dreaming. No sharks, not octopi.

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