Thursday, August 9, 2018

Latin America 2018 - Day 33. Cali – Medellín

I left for Medellín at about 8 am, with the idea I could get there by 4 pm. I had an idea that there was a route connecting Cali and Medellín, but to my great disappointment found that I was going to have to go back over my own tracks back to Pereira (a  city I found difficult to navigate). The road was beautiful, but I still had the grumpy feeling that this was a movie I had already seen.

Once in Pereira I got lost, and wasted a good hour untangling myself from the rat’s nest they call daowntown here. I am not given to belly aching, but I would like to lodge a complaint with the Colombian people about the lack of road signs. There has to be a goodly number of people trying to get to Medellín, Colombia’s second largest city, and it would be to everybody’s advantage to route those people out of their precious city.

Finally, at about noon, I was on the straight and narrow (very narrow) road to Medellín. This has to be the second most important route in the country, and by following the lower reaches of the Rio Cueca it is fairly straight, but it is plagued by landslides (shales and sandstones of the forearc basin as far as I could tell), so the going was extremely slow. Then, at about 60 km from Medellín the road starts climbing and climbing, in the slowest, windingnest, and traffic-chocked road you can possibly think of. Think the carretera libre to Cuernavaca compounded with the carretera libre to Puebla, and you will get a pale idea of what I was facing. Really? This is the main access to Colombia’s second largest city? Really?

I finally reached Medellín at about 7 pm. From the vantage point of a tired tourist it looked steep, enormous, and with crazy traffic. I had downloaded a map of the hotel I was shooting for, but the reality on the ground, in the dark of the night, and with crazy traffic coming against me (and no road signs) was grim. My guardian angel worked twice as hard, and with the helpful hints of a couple of taxi drivers I finally made it to my swanky hotel, high in the hills overlooking Medellín.

I am not sure tomorrow I will have the courage to take my little car into Medellín proper.

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