Thursday, August 9, 2018

Latin America 2018 - Day 40. Bosconia to Puerto Boyaca

Last night I slept at a very comfortable roadside hotel in Bosconia (sounds like the kind of place that Tin Tin and Miloú would have one of their adventures, doesn’t it?), and at about 8:30 am I continued on my way north for another 400 km until I reached Puerto Boyaca.

Not much to report, besides saying that it was all green beautiful sabana (a lot more fertile than the Venezuelan sabana, probably due to the annual floods and the silt they carry).

I do have a story to tell, however: The western foothills of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta happen to be where Gabriel García Márquez located the mythical town of Macondo in Cién Aňos de Soledad. José Arcadio Buendía and his wife Ursula used to live near Riohacha, and from there they traveled west, crossing the mountains, until they found La Cienega (the floodplain of the estuary). They then decided to establish Macondo on the western foothills. Now that you have a geographic reference you might want to pick up Cién Aňos de Soledad, which I know has been in your list of books to read for many years.

Tomorrow I will make my final approach to Bogotá.  

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